Well well well..let's talk about some electronic music this time, and I have decided to review an album that has been on my iPod since the day I bought it; "Fever". Dave Huismans, in art 2562 is in my opinion one of the european pioneers of Dubstep. When talking about Dubstep on the european scene, people normally think of British artists, but Dutch 2562 demonstrates there is much more in Europe than just UK representatives of this genre. The reason why I bought this album was because of the previous album by this artist; "Unbalance". I find a lot of similarities between these two albums as well as differences; the structure of the tracks itself and the atmosphere it creates are very alike but also full of contrasts. However, "Fever" goes much more into Techno the more we go towards the end of the cd and it finishes with the homonymous track (whilst in "Unbalance" it was placed in the half-way in the track selection), which sounds like the perfect ending of such album.
An interesting curiosity is that all the tracks of this album were realized using 80's synths exclusively and I believe "Winamp Melodrama" it's an intro that immediately takes the listener to this kind of like "old fashioned" dimension. Although, it is a bit too long in my opinion and still does not compare to "Unbalance-Intro", which very smoothly goes into the second track "Flashback". Whilst "Unbalance" goes for a more lounge approach at the beginning, "Fever" kicks your right in the catchy beat of "Cheater", personally one of my favorites since the beginning, probably because of its position in the track selection right after the intro. "Juxstaposed", track number three, is another interesting production. I like very much the way it builds up sound after sound, but I have to admit that it took me a while to get used to this very irregular beat. Let's say that with this album, at the beginning the listener will have the impression to like only a few tracks, but listening to it over and over definitely will help to get into the right mindset and concept of the album. It is in fact quite hard for me to only pick only three songs to review, as I believe all of them need some reflection upon.
So last but not least track I review is "Intermission", placed pretty much halfway in the album. I find several similarities between this track and the homonymous from the previous album "Unbalance", as they both have a very long intro, like giving an idea of separation between what listened before and what you are about to listen. "Intermission" is in my opinion the most dynamic track of the album and no matter what I am doing, it always makes me want to dance or even just bouncing my head.
As I said, other tracks would need a review (like "This is Hardcore" or "Aquatic Family Affair"), but I do not want to make this too long.
In conclusion, I would like to suggest everybody who like Dubstep, or electronic music in general, to at least give a listen to all 2562 productions. I have mentioned only two albums here, but also the ones previous to "Unbalance" ("Embrace" and "Aerial") are worth to be listened.
Grade: 8.5/10
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